UT Analysis Index
The Analysis Index provides access to program notes
and descriptions or analyses of musical compositions in books owned by
the UT Music Library. The books indexed are located primarily in LC classifications
MT90 - MT145. This index does not duplicate the indexing available in
Harold Diamond's book, Music Analyses: An Annotated Guide to the Literature,
Reference ML128.A7D5 1991.
For a complete search, consult both the book and the online index. Also, biographies of composers frequently include descriptions of compositions; check for them in ML 410 or ML385-400. To find specific biographies in the catalog, use a Subject Keyword or Subject Browse search for the name of the composer. Another useful source is number 25 of the MLA Index and Bibliography Series, Analyses of Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Music: 1940-1985, Reference ML113.M18 v.25, which indexes periodicals, dissertations and books.
It is important to note that items contained in Harold Diamond’s book and the MLA Index, may or may not be available from the UT Music Library.
For a complete search, consult both the book and the online index. Also, biographies of composers frequently include descriptions of compositions; check for them in ML 410 or ML385-400. To find specific biographies in the catalog, use a Subject Keyword or Subject Browse search for the name of the composer. Another useful source is number 25 of the MLA Index and Bibliography Series, Analyses of Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Music: 1940-1985, Reference ML113.M18 v.25, which indexes periodicals, dissertations and books.
It is important to note that items contained in Harold Diamond’s book and the MLA Index, may or may not be available from the UT Music Library.
Search Hints:
- Case does not matter. For instance, "symphony" matches "symphony," "Symphony" and "SYMPHONY".
- Truncation is automatic, without requiring special characters. In other words "symphon" will return both "symphony" and "symphonies".
- Do not use any punctuation.